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Zeina Nahleh, MD @drznahleh @Cancer_CCFla @CleveClinicFL #Biosimilars The Use of Biosimilars in Oncology

Zeina Nahleh, MD, FACP, Cancer Center Director and Department Chair, Hematology-Oncology at the Cleveland Clinic. In this video, she speaks about The Use of Biosimilars in Oncology.






The rising quantity and use of biosimilars raises fundamental questions about their safe and acceptable use in cancer therapy. This paper gives an update on recently licensed oncology biosimilars as well as outlines existing knowledge gaps in cancer patient treatment.




An Expert Panel was formed to assess the medical literature and provide a practical summary of currently approved biosimilar therapies in the United States for cancer therapy or supportive care.




Since 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration has authorized 17 cancer or cancer-related biosimilar medicines. Despite years of clinical experience with oncology biosimilars, there is still variation in their utilization. ASCO believes that biosimilars and reference products are equally effective and should be included in ASCO clinical practice guideline recommendations.




Biosimilars may offer competitive, lower-cost alternatives to biologics used in cancer care, and particular reference in ASCO guidelines and other evidence products is encouraged where appropriate.

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