“Peter Johnson, BA, MB BChir, MA, MRCP, MD, FRCP from Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK, summarises the challenges of cancer research during the BOPA 2017 annual symposium in Glasgow. He discusses cancer genomics and how this research can be intergrated into treatment decisions in the clinic. Molecular screening is particularly challenging as a large amount of patients need to be screened, whereas many of these patients won’t benefit from some of the new treatments. In addition, he talks about the constantly evolving treatment landscape in oncology with new treatment clases coming into practice, pharmacists will have a key role in making the ideas of novel therapies into a reality. Filmed during the BOPA 2017 annual symposium, Glasgow.
This content has been supported by Napp Pharmaceuticals through an unrestricted educational grant to Magdalen Medical Publishing.The company has had no influence on the production of the content.”