Mohamad Mohty, MD, PhD of Saint-Antoine Hospital, Paris, France and EBMT President provides an overview of the EBMT International Transplant Course (EBMT-ITC), which took place in Barcelona, Spain between 9-11 September 2016. The course is educational and mainly targeted at younger doctors. It is proving to be a huge success according to Prof. Mohty, and this is due to the way the program has been built. The course consists of state of the art lectures that highlight routine practice and the speakers are all aware of the future perspectives and developments in their fields. Over the two and a half days, the whole spectrum of hematologic diseases is covered, including their management as well as complications, long-term effects, and quality of life. Another aspect of the course is that after each lecture, there is a presentation about a real life clinical case by a young colleague; usually this is their first presentation at an international meeting. The discussions that follow and the presentations themselves were very engaging according to Prof. Mohty, and he is optimistic that the next generation of experts in the field of stem cell transplantation, cellular therapy, and immunotherapy are ready and well-prepared.