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Podcast Halle Moore, MD @HalleMooreMD @ClevelandClinic @SWOGOnc #MBCC22 #HER2low Comments On HER2-low MBCC

Halle Moore, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Member, Population and Cancer Prevention Program, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center at Cleveland Clinic. In this video, she gives her comments on Abstracts for HER2-low MBCC.


Approximately half of all initial breast tumors have low-level HER2 expression (HER2-low), characterized as immunohistochemically 1+ or 2+ and no HER2 gene amplification as assessed by in situ hybridization. This low HER2 expression is a possible new target for antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), which are currently being researched. Little is known regarding the prevalence and prognostic importance of low HER2-expression in metastatic breast cancer until now (MBC).

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