At the Myeloma 2016 meeting held in Boston, MA, Daniel Auclair, PhD, from the Multiple Myeloma Research foundation (MMRF) discusses highlights from the meeting for patients with Kenneth Anderson, MD from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, Keith Stewart, MB, ChB from the Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ and Sagar Lonial, MD from the Winship Cancer Institute, Atlanta, GA. Prof Anderson highlights immune therapies and in particular, check-point inhibitors, CAR T-cell therapy and immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs) such as pomalidomide and lenalidomide. According to Prof Anderson, the main message is that there are many immune therapies now and drug combinations will play an important role. Prof Stewart discusses new technologies, such as new imaging techniques and better blood tests. He further talks about the CoMMpass study (NCT01454297), which follows 1000 myeloma patients for eight years with the aim to help inform precision therapy. Prof Lonial highlights the identification of new drug targets and the re-purposing of drugs that are used in different diseases.