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Jonathan Zager, MD @jzager99 @MoffittNews #ASCO22 #OncoTwitter @oncoalert Phase III FOCUS Trial

Jonathan Zager, MD, Chief Academic Officer, Chair, USF Department of Oncologic Sciences at Moffitt Cancer Center. In this video, he speaks about the ASCO 2022 Abstract – FOCUS phase 3 trial results: Percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP) with melphalan for patients with ocular melanoma liver metastases (PHP-OCM-301/301A).


Patients with melanoma that has progressed from the eye to the liver will be evaluated in this study: Patients in the trial will be given Melphalan/HDS treatments up to a total of six times and will be monitored until death. This study will assess the treatment’s safety and effectiveness in terms of how long patients live and how long it takes for the cancer to progress or respond to treatment.

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