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ASH 2017 Myeloma Roundtable: Game-Changing Treatment Tools in Myeloma

Will flow be the method used for myeloma treatment in the long term? Does transplant still have a role in myeloma? Will liquid biopsies replace bone marrow biopsies? At the 2017 America Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting, a roundtable of esteemed myeloma experts, including Dr. Carol Ann Huff from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dr. Sagar Lonial of Emory University School of Medicine and Dr. Suzanne Lentzsch from New York Presbyterian Hospital/ Columbia University Medical Center, weigh in on the breaking news and the expansion of the treatment armamentarium in and implications for different disease status. Host Jenny Ahlstrom, President and Founder of Myeloma Crowd, moderates this discussion and summarizes through the patient lens. Watch now as the myeloma experts discuss forthcoming game-changing tools in myeloma.

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