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53 vs 31 Month Isatuximab-VRD Results: My Interview with SANOFI’s Global Product Head at ASCO 2024

ASCO 2024 - Zandra Klippel, MD

ASCO 2024 - Zandra Klippel, MD

Author: Dr. Zandra Klippel, Global Product Head, Multiple Myeloma, Sanofi

At the ASCO 2024 conference, Dr. Zandra Klippel the Global Product Head, Multiple Myeloma, Sanofi summarizes the promising Phase 3 results from the IMROZ study. This study evaluated the combination of Sarclisa (isatuximab) with VRd (bortezomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone) in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) who are ineligible for transplant.

Key Findings:

Future Research Directions: Ongoing research aims to optimize dosing, reduce side effects, and expand the use of Isa-VRd to other myeloma populations, including those eligible for transplant. Future trials will explore different dosing schedules and delivery methods, such as subcutaneous administration of Sarclisa.

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