Matthias Weiss, MD
Marshfield Clinic
Marshfield, Wisconsin, USA
ECOG multiple myeloma (MM) clinical trial (CT) accrual performance evaluation utilizing the NCI–Trial Complexity and Elements Scoring (NCI-TCES) and the NCI Myeloma Steering Committee Accrual Working Group (NCI MYSC AWG) scoring models.
Accrual to NCI CTs is often slower than planned and at times mandating premature closure resulting in loss of valuable resources and delay of scientific progress. The NCI MYSC AWG identified 10 barriers to accrual (BtA) to MM CTs (reimbursement, competing treatment options, treatment at NCI designated sites only, etc.). The NCI-TCES was created to objectively assess CT complexity (study arms, registration/randomization steps, treatment and follow-up complexity and duration, etc.). We evaluated the accrual performance of all previously conducted and currently ongoing (as of 12-31-2013) therapeutic ECOG MM CTs (excluding transplant) utilizing these tools
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