Mansoor Mirza, MD of Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark gives an overview of the results of the ENGOT-OV16/NOVA Phase III trial of maintenance with PARP-inhibitor niraparib versus placebo in patients with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer (NCT01847274). According to Dr Mirza, the key take home message is that niraparib was effective as maintenance therapy for all patients in the trial. The biomarker for this treatment would be platinum-sensitvity. The treatment was effective regardless of BRCA status and regardless of HRD status. The hazard ratios for gBRCA mutated cohort was .27 and they saw an increase in median progression-free survival (PFS) from 5.5 to 21 months. In the non-gBRCA mutated cohort, the same efficacy was seen with hazard ratio of .45 and median PFS increased from 3.9 to 9 months. Dr Mirza also explains the results of the sub-population of non-gBRCA mutated, i.e. HRD positive and negative patients; both populations benefited from the drug. Therefore, all population benefited from the treatment.