77 year WF presents with back pain
History of renal cell carcinoma, s/p right radical nephrectomy in 2000
T1bN0M0 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Stopped surveillance after 5 years
PMH: Hyperlipidemia
PSH: nephrectomy, hysterectomy
CT chest: Negative
Labs: eGFR 56, otherwise WNL
80 year old WM presents with chronic constipation and abdominal pain
PSH: Left ankle
Labs: Hb 10.6, Glucose 246, Cr 1.13
Presents to our EC with worsening bilateral LE edema
79 year old WM presents with gross hematuria
PMH: Hypertension
PSH: hernia repair and varicocele repair
Labs: Hb 12.6, ESR 78, LDH 429
Was enrolled in the randomized phase II presurgical immune checkpoint blockade trial (2013-0715).
Randomized to nivolumab plus bevacizumab
Tolerated his 3 courses of each with little side effects
Underwent cytoreductive nephrectomy
T3aN0M1 Clear cell RCC
Placed on nivolumab maintenance therapy post-operatively
PMH: CKD 3, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension
PSH: Thyroid surgery
Labs: Hb 13.6, Cr 1.39, eGFR 40
CT chest: 7 mm nodule right middle lobe
77 year old psychiatrist presents with abdominal pain
Undergoes right partial nephrectomy with IOUS
Total warm ischemia time is 16 minutes
Discharged POD# 4 (Cr 2.67, eGFR 23)
Pathology: Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, T2aN0M0 (7.5 cm)
Presents POD# 21 with gross hematuria and fatigue
Hb 11.2, Cr 2.38, eGFR 27)
53 y/o WF presents with low back pain and weight loss
PMH: Cervical Cancer
PSH: Cone biopsy
CT chest, MRI brain negative
All labs WNL